Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Need to Purge

If I had the chance to do it all over again, I'd clutter bust my home long before starting my retirement.   I was so sure I'd go back to work, so I thought I'd be buying some time before having to do some major cleaning.

I can't say I was born with the "cleaning gene".  I'm certainly not housewife material.

I've finally learned to enjoy retirement, and I'm looking at getting rid of possessions that I can live without.  I love my books and magazines, so I'll always have those around me.  And with every interest, toy or hobby comes all the goodies that come with it.  I need to toss unwanted and unused items so I can bring more interesting things into my home that are of value and matter to me.

Purge or whatever you want to call it.  If you happen to hang onto things that you don't want or need, it's all such a waste.

Trust me.  Don't wait until retirement or wonder if the Kings are leaving.  Just clean house.  And do it now.

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